PPIM diharapkan akan menjadi satu platform untuk para Pengamal Perubatan yang beragama Islam. Kejayaannya memerlukan sokongan, penglibatan dan komitmen anda sekalian sebagai doktor-doktor Islam.
Diharapkan anda memberi sokongan dengan menjadi
ahli PPIM dan mengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti PPIM akan datang. Sila
isi borang keahlian.
PPIM was first registered in 1990 with 150 founder
members from amongst Muslim doctors. It now has almost 700
members from all over Malaysia, from house-officers
to senior consultants, Professors and Deans of Medical
Schools. The spectrum of its members includes
doctors in the government and private practices. Recently, it has
also recruited associate members from the para-medics
and nurses as well as students.
PPIM is an active member of an international organisation
called Federation of Islamic Medical Associations
(FIMA). With this network, it has organised many
activities both at the international and national level in the form
of seminars, colloquium, public forums and continuing
medical education programmes. It is also a "meeting point"
for colleagues in the medical field to unite
lecturers and students, alumni, friends of the same interest (religious,
academic as well as social). It has an electronic
mailing list and a homepage to boost communication and
dissemination of information. All these activities
are made to comply with the syari’ah and the activities fulfill the
spirit of our motto : "Al-Hidayah, As-Syifa’,
and Ar-Rahmah" (Guidance, Healing, Mercy), all of which are
attributes derived from the Holy Qur’an.
By being a member, you are entitled to receive
a bimonthly Bulletin "Ar Rahmah" which contains news,
information, activity calendar and reports, reminders,
legal and syari’ah consultations and Q & A collumns. You are
also entitled to be in the PPIM electronic mailing
list (ppim-net) to update information, networking with fellow
members for social communications, consultations,
discussions, advertisements and CMEs. Most importantly you
will also have a chance to contribute to the
well being of the ummah in a concerted effort from your contributions in
whatever expertise or form you wish. The association
welcomes all positive contributions.
Please take this opportunity to
fill in the membership form, it will only take 5 minutes of your time,
a small
investment to open a new horizon to your future
in the ever challenging medical field.
Finally, PPIM wishes you all the best in future
undertakings, with sincere do’a that Allah be pleased with all of your
efforts and bless all your deeds and reward you
generously with peace and serenity in this world and the hereafter.
May Allah be with you.
1.Keahlian PPIM terdiri daripada:
a.Ahli biasa
b.Ahli seumur hidup
c.Ahli kehormat
d.Ahli bersekutu
terbuka kepada semua pengamal perubatan beragama Islam yang berdaftar.
kerhomat akan dianugerahkan kepada individu-individu Islam yang tertentu
oleh jawatankuasa
dan diiktiraf di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan.
seumur hidup terbuka kepada semua ahli biasa yang membayar yuran seumur
bersekutu terdiri dari mereka yang terlibat dalam bidang perubatan selain
dari pengamal
perubatan, contohnya, paramediks, jururawat, pembantu perubatan, pensyarah
di fakulti perubatan,
para pelajar. Yuran keahlian adalah RM20.00 setiap tahun.
keahlian adalah di bawah kuasa jawatankuasa, yang juga boleh menamatkan
sekiranya ahli tersebut didapati tidak mengikut matlamat dan perlembagaan
seumur hidup ialah.RM300.00 dan yuran tahunan ialah RM30.00.