The Oath of a Muslim Physician

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Praise be to Allah, the Sustainer of His Creation, the All-Knowing.
Glory be to Him, the Eternal, the All-Pervading.
O Allah, Thou art the only Healer
I serve none but Thee, and, as the instrument of Thy Will,
I commit myself to Thee.
I render this Oath in Thy Holy Name and I undertake

To be the instrument of Thy Will and Mercy, and, in all humbleness, to exercise justice,

love and compassion for all Thy Creation;
To extend my hand of service to one and all, to the rich and to the poor, to friend and foe alike,
regardless of race, religion or colour;
To hold human life as precious and sacred, and to protect and honour it at all times
and under all circumstances in accordance with Thy Law;
To do my utmost to alleviate pain and misery, and to comfort and counsel human sickness and in anxiety;
To respect the confidence and guard the secrets of all my patients;
To maintain the dignity of health care, and to honour the teachers, students, and members of my profession;
To strive in the pursuit of knowledge in Thy name for the benefit of mankind, and to uphold human honour and dignity;
To acquires the courage to admit my mistakes, mend my ways and to forgive the wrongs of others;
To be ever-conscious of my duty to Allah and His Messenger (S.A.W.), and to follow the precepts of Islam in private and in public.
O Allah grant me the strength, patience and dedication to adhere to this Oath at all times.